Following the simple draft I produced earlier, I've now made more changes. I decided to move the title to above our character's head instead of on her body, in order to be able to fit the credits on neatly. I also added a tagline above the title, saying "TRUST NOBODY". This links strongly to our production, as Delilah betrays the trust of her friends, and eventually kills them. It's also a direct mode of address, telling the audience not to trust anybody, and it aims to make them ask WHY they shouldn't trust anyone, therefore enticing them into seeing the film. I added two full-stops withing this tagline to put an emphasis on each individual word, therefore coming across with a more powerful effect. I used a font named "Men of Nihilist", as it is easy to read, and the letter 'N' has very sharp edges that could resemble a knife, further linking it to our production. I also added a gradient effect to the background of the poster. After reviewing how it looked with a plain white background, I came to the conclusion that it looked more like a dark-romance film poster rather than a horror. Having the black part of the background fade out at our character's shoulders looks well, as she is almost being consumed by darkness (something that happens to her in our production). However the white area of the background balances it out, representing her transition from good to evil, summarising her anti-hero status.