Romance is one of our options due to the uniqueness of it, and we thoroughly believe that it could flourish with the right actors. Although this wouldn't help to gain marks, it could polish our product and provide a smooth finish to it. As a group, we want to try something new whilst remaining in our comfort zone. If we are to go down this route we realise that we would have to avoid making the trailer corny, which is possible if we worked hard on editing.
We debated whether to produce an action-adventure film trailer or not, as it was our secondary option last year, which was overthrown only by horror. We feel that it would be easier to create an effective action-adventure film trailer, rather than a film opening, due to the increased amount of editing needed, for any genre, and the variety of settings we could use to our advantage. I proposed that we use a female lead for the action-adventure genre if we follow this route, as it subverts the stereotype that women are weak, therefore we feel that a female protagonist would be very effective. Another advantage of using a female protagonist here, is that we have a very talented and versatile actress who would be more than willing to help us out.
Whilst narrowing down our options, we decided that re-visiting the horror genre could result in a very positive outcome for us. This is because we tackled this genre last year, and ended up producing what we thought was a solid production. We did however, make lots of mistakes, which we feel we could amend this time around, in order to replicate our performance last year, with added features that would hopefully bring our grade up. We went with the psychological sub-genre of horror last year, however this time around we're gearing towards a slasher.